
HyperCam Business Edition 6.2

Download HyperCam Business Edition 6.2.2208.31 may be a powerful software for recording screen activities, which features a powerful editing tool for this purpose that gives features like attachments.

HyperCam Business Edition 6.2 Description

it’s a really easy and delightful interface and allows you to pick a selected part of the screen or a selected window and record the video immediately. generally, there’ll be three options for you: Capture the whole screen View, record the specified part of the page, or record a window.

The settings of the HyperCam program are defined as standard, but it’s recommended to vary the specified options from the settings menu to make the specified quality with the acceptable volume, but generally, the quality for recording is defined. for instance, you’ll specify the output quality and output formats and choose one among the formats like WMV, AVI, or ASF, additionally, to all or any of these features, it’ll be possible to record audio! As mentioned above, you’ll change the standard and format of the audio output depending on your wishes.

Download HyperCam 2021

Features Of HyperCam Business Edition 6.2

  • Has shortcut keys to start, pause, stop recording, and take a framed photo.
  • Ability to accurately select the dimensions of the chosen area of the screen or window.
  • Unique scrolling mode that permits you to follow the cursor.
  • Ability to pick multiple video compressions.
  • Ability to pick movie annotations with text box when recording.
  • Select sound with options for recording quality.
  • Ability to record at any color depth of the screen.
  • Ability to show on and off the recording of the moving mouse.

HyperCam app

File information

  • Name: HyperCam.6.2.2208.31.rar
  • File Size: 66 MB
  • After Extract: 78 MB
  • Publisher: HyperCam.6.2.2208.31.rar
  • File Type: Rar File
  • Update Date: April 29, 2024
  • Languages: English


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