MetaX 2.80 Free Download
Download MetaX 2.80 is software for tagging MP4, M4V, and MOV videotape lines, with the help of which you can fluently find metadata related to pictures on the Internet and through well-known services similar as Amazon and tag chip, as well as IMDB and Yahoo.
MetaX 2.80 Description
Search and also write this information in a videotape train to be displayed on iTunes or on Apple’s Front Row or Apple TV. MetaX automatically reads metadata related to pictures.
You can use the dereliction features when you want to tag a number of occurrences of a Television series or any set of videotape lines that have a lot of analogous information. All you have to do is tag a section with participated information and save it by dereliction. Also, select the rest of the sections and apply the dereliction settings you created on them. All you have to do is fill in the separate information unique to each train.
MetaX Free Download will read any metadata information that’s in the train, but it also makes it easy to search for information on the Internet. It’ll automatically search Amazon (and you can set which country’s Amazon point to use) and tagChimp (a great source of information. To contribute click below) to recoup information on a movie.
Features Of MetaX 2.80
- Search the metadata of videotape lines on the Internet.
- Capability to search movie information on Amazon, tag chip, IMDB, and Yahoo.
- Use Priest settings to label multiple occurrences of Television series.
- Automatic access to metadata information related to pictures.
- Support for colorful videotape formats MP4, M4V, MOV, MKV, WMV, and AVI.
File Information
- Name: MetaX.v2.80.rar
- File Size: 18.4 MB
- After Extract: 28 MB
- Publisher: MetaX
- File Type: Rar File
- Update Date: Fab 9, 2021
- Languages: English
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