VovSoft Text Edit Plus 11 Free Download
VovSoft Text Edit Plus 11 Free Download is a light and compact tool that enables its druggies to fluently produce new textbook documents or modify being documents.
VovSoft Text Edit Plus 11 Description
Indeed dissect them and gain accurate statistics of their details. bring VovSoft Text Edit Plus 11 is designed as volition to Windows Notepad by furnishing a wide set of features. The manufacturer has stated the strengths of this program as follows
The possibility of changing the theme of the program to dark mode, automatic checking of spelling crimes. Saving textbook lines in PDF format, generating statistics, adding date and time, and changing the background color. And other features related to the fountain.
Garbling and decrypting textbook, the possibility of combining Lines, command system to prize the asked textbook, remove empty lines and analogous lines to reduce the size of the textbook train.
The capability to filter lines, find and replace the asked textbook, full-screen view, produce a dispatch list, and produce a word list.
Import the image as Text( ASCII art), fitting figures, enter the textbook in the morning or end of lines, convert small and capital letters to each other, expressions with rules, sort lines, modify the textbook, support UTF- 8 and Persian language, etc.
Features Of VovSoft Text Edit Plus 11
- Decrypting textbooks
- Produce a word list
- Enter figures
- KeyPress simulation in the textbook
- Converting lowercase or uppercase letters in the plain textbook
- Moving lines of textbook aimlessly
- Add expression/ word to the morning/ end of a judgment
- Kind lines.
- Produce HTTP law from the textbook.
- Setting the background color for the textbook editing terrain.
- HTML garbling.
- Kind alphabetically.
- Comparing two textbooks together.
- Display the named line number and column number.
File information
- Name: VovSoft.Text.Edit.Plus.v11.0.rar
- File Size: 5.2 MB
- After Extract: 7.99 MB
- Publisher: VovSoft
- File Type: Rar File
- Update Date: July 31, 2022
- Languages: English
Password for file: “123“