Hydro GeoAnalyst Plus 13.0
Hydro GeoAnalyst Plus 13.0 Free Download is an advanced environmental data management system developed by Waterloo Hydrogeologic. It integrates comprehensive data analysis, visualization, and reporting tools within a robust and flexible database framework.
Hydro GeoAnalyst Plus 13.0 Description
HGA+ enhances the capabilities of the standard Hydro GeoAnalyst (HGA) by incorporating specialized geochemistry features from AquaChem, making it a powerful solution for professionals in environmental and hydrogeological fields.
Hydro GeoAnalyst is an integrated groundwater and environmental information management system software that stores and organizes environmental data, helping you quickly create comprehensive analytical results that are reliable and understandable. Hydro GeoAnalyst 13 has a complete set of analysis, visualization, and reporting tools, and a powerful and scalable database.
Features Of Hydro GeoAnalyst Plus 13.0
- Comprehensive Data Management:
- HGA+ offers customizable database structures that facilitate efficient storage and organization of various environmental data types, including geological, hydrological, and geochemical information.
- Integrated Geochemical Analysis:
- Building upon the standard HGA, the Plus version integrates AquaChem’s geochemistry features, providing tools for unit conversion, geochemical functions, and specialized plotting capabilities.
- Advanced Visualization Tools:
- The software includes state-of-the-art tools for data interpretation, statistical analysis, GIS mapping, data charting, and both 2D and 3D visualizations, enabling users to gain comprehensive insights into their data.
- Enhanced Reporting Capabilities:
- HGA+ allows users to create ready-made reports containing key information about water quality data, supporting various plot types such as statistical plots (e.g., Box and Whisker, Histogram), general plots (e.g., Scatter, Pie), and geochemical plots (e.g., Piper, Stiff).
- Licensing Options:
- The software is available in different configurations to suit various organizational needs, including stand-alone and network (team) licenses, with options for softkey or hardkey (USB dongle) licensing.
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