
Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.1 for MacOSX

Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.1 for MacOSX Free Download is a dependable and easy-to-use software for Mac OS druggies who need to snappily back up the system and use the charge recovery point.

Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.1 for MacOSX Description

Using Carbon Copy Cloner, you can record the backup process hourly, daily, daily, or yearly. This program isn’t only for creating a normal system provisory train that requires another hard fragment in case the current hard fragment fails.

Thanks to the Carbon Copy Cloner software, all the information and operating system information are stored in a bootable volume and can be used incontinently. As a result, in case of hard fragment failure, you can bobble the operating system from the backup train and return to your conditioning and systems in many seconds.

Carbon Copy Cloner MacOSX Free Download

With this point, the time demanded to replace a defective hard drive and restore data in one step is saved. Endured druggies can spark other options from the advanced settings window, which include executing the delete command on the destination before copying new lines, replacing the destination brochure if it isn’t the source brochure, calculating the checksum for each The train is compared and canceling lines in the destination that aren’t included in the backup train.

Features For Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.1 for MacOSX

  • Slated backup
  • Simple and easy stoner interface
  • Capability to convert backups of former performances to new bones
  • Shoot dispatches via dispatch
  • Task history
  • Personalization of backups
  • Provisory to hard drive in the network
  • Software menu in the whole Mac
  • Compression and encryption of backups
  • Protection of software and their settings by taking a backup train
  • Has a hunt machine for lines and flyers
  • Capability to snappily restore all system changes
  • The capability to compress provisory lines with the software itself.
  • Capability to set the backup time automatically.
  • Clone the hard fragment or SSD to a new hard fragment or SSD.
  • Provisory and image in dmg format. from HFS partitions.

Carbon Copy Cloner MacOSX Free Download

File information

  • Name: Carbon.Copy.Cloner.v6.1.1.MacOSX.rar
  • File Size: 19.8 MB
  • After Extract: 28 MB
  • Publisher: Carbon Copy
  • File Type: Rar File
  • Update Date: OCT 10, 2023
  • Languages: English


Password: 123

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