
RizomUV Real Spaces / Virtual Space 2024

RizomUV Real Spaces / Virtual Space 2024 is known worldwide as the provider of Unfold 3D software. Unfold3D was introduced in 2003 as the first software that made it possible to automatically create 3D models from 2D texture images using UV mapping (without losing quality or needing to draw the image).

RizomUV Real Spaces / Virtual Space 2024 Description

It has found a good place in the world graphics industry to the extent that it is now used in many studios and its main algorithms are integrated with the popular and well-known Autodesk Maya software standards.

Now Rizom-Lab continues its path to reach an ideal set of tools that can perform things such as segmenting, flattening, and packaging of UVs without the need for manual intervention of the user, focusing on improvement has put its technologies and the result of its efforts under the title of independent software called RizomUV Virtual Spaces and RizomUV Real Space available to 3D artists and designers of digital products.

RizomUV Real Spaces 2024

Features Of RizomUV Real Spaces / Virtual Space 2024

  • High speed in UV mapping
  • Loading and saving OBJ and FBX files
  • Cutting and segmenting all kinds of meshes
  • Better and faster packaging algorithms (perform packaging in less than 15 seconds).
  • Creation and manipulation of UV maps in non-normalized UV spaces.

RizomUV Real Spaces Virtual Space 2024


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